February 20, 2013

How Augmented Reality can help entrepreneurs develop mobile apps?

Technologies like augmented reality can help improve mobile applications so new products or startups can offer a new experience. 

Here we have an interview where Alejandro Sánchez, CEO of eMobc explains in the end of the video how we have used Vuforia and Alljoyn with eMobc providing a new experience to the user with Geocongress application.

Augmented reality lets match image targets like logos in the sample and provide aditional information or actions, for example show comments around the brand or create a new comment, providing a comment system around the brands. Also its possible to georeference places providing in an image target where are located.

Alljoyn also lets provide peer to peer technologies so users can communicate. Its possible to create channels where you can send messages, for example a sample room for your event.

See more about Qualcomm and eMobc in the following video:

Source: http://www.qualcomm.com/media/videos/wireless-reach-spain-csev-video-english

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