March 21, 2013

Steps to upload your app to Google Play

Before uploading your applications to play google must register as a developer, for it you register an account as android developer and make a payment of $ 25. This payment is made only once. This form of payment and registration is possible in countries where Google can install their products.

Applications may be payable upload, free or both. There are certain countries where google play does not support paid apps, if you want to climb a payment app make sure this option is available in your country.

It is important to take into account that the market has Google Play is related to your Google Account. So if you use analyzes your personal account or a new account just for that.

Play Google which allows any developer to upload and publish your application. Perhaps you are new and want to inform you that you need to upload and publish applications really good now I will tell you what is most necessary to publish your app.

To upload your application to play google have to follow these steps:

Access google developer console play.

We joined with our Gmail account. This will be the account that you subscribe in google play.

Terms and conditions

Since log into step 1, we continue to accept the terms of conditions. We have to select the box of terms and conditions to continue to the next step.


We pay a registration fee, payments must be done with through Google Wallet.


You have to fill out a form with our information. Here we put our data in case your app is paid in this pay you money when users buy your application. Also in this same data you enter for users to contact you if the application to fail or have a problem.
These are the most important steps that need to access google play and publish your application.

Requirements that the application must meet to publish it on google play.

Size. APK: the application that you upload to google play should not exceed 50MB. If your application passes this limit can not upload files unless you use apk expansion.

Screenshots: Google play requires you to add two screenshots which show the application and executed. You can add more but optional, also at the same time you add the URL of a video you've created to demonstrate how the application you are offering.

Application Icon: It requires you to add the app icon high contrast resolution.

Language: You must determine the language to which the app is predetermined. English is the default language for google play, but you can choose the one you complete your application.

Name of the application: You can choose the name you want to publish the app. You can add different names if your app is destined to different languages. For example for Spanish language you can put "as I do" this name will see people with Spanish in their smartphone.

Description of application: You can add a description of up to 4,000 characters.

• Distribute Locations: You can choose which countries you want your application to be available, you can add all or select one by one distribution.

This are some requirements that play google asks to publish the application in google play. You can see the full list of requirements here

Assign a sales price per app or content

In case you want to assign a sales price of our app we have a look at the Google documentation for complete information  of payments, exchange, redemption, etc.. Instead we can use to pay for content (books, videos, magazines ...) within the app itself during programming, we can find out more information here.

About eMobc: eMobc (@emobcapp) is an open source framework to build native mobile application. Available for Android and iOS platforms HTML5. eMobc makes work easier for developers, allowing them to save time and effort. Developers can also integrate your code with the framework.

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